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Board Director – Expressions of Interest

Start Date

  • May 24, 2024

End Date

  • June 24, 2024


  • North
  • North West and West
  • South

Exciting opportunity to be contribute to the work of Tasmania’s peak health consumer organisation that is empowering Tasmanians actively contribute to shaping how health services are delivered in Tasmania.

About the Organisation

Health Consumers Tasmania is the Tasmanian peak body providing an independent, informed and representative voice on behalf of health consumers to systemically influence health policy and service delivery.

The aim of our organisation is to build a proactive and solution focused  Tasmanian health consumer voice that will maximise the engagement between consumers, communities, service providers and government.

Through strong leadership and advocacy, we influence change at all levels of government by empowering and representing the views of the community to drive change in how health services are delivered across our island home.

About the Role

Expressions of interest are sought for up to three positions on the Board of Governance. Health Consumers Tasmania values diversity and inclusion and strongly encourages those who identify with communities that experience access inequity to health services to apply.  This includes, but is not limited to, LGBTIQA+ community, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, rural and remote Tasmanians, and culturally and linguistically diverse applicants.

Applications are encouraged from those who meet one or more of the following:

  • Have recent experience and understanding of the Tasmanian Health System,
  • Have demonstrated senior management or board governance experience, particularly in not-for-profit organisations,
  • Be committed to consumer-centred health care and the principles and values of the organisation.
  • Applications are encouraged from those residing outside the Greater Hobart region or from those who have knowledge of community engagement, stakeholder engagement or public relations.

Please note, those representing for profit organisations will not be eligible to apply.

About the Board

The Board meets every two months, and Board Directors are expected to participate in one additional sub-committee.  The time commitment averages between two-four hours per month.  This is a voluntary role, but all reasonable expenses will be reimbursed by the organisation.


For further information or to find out how to apply, please contact, Health Consumers Tasmania CEO, Ellen MacDonald via email at

For more information on the work that we do, and our team please visit